Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Response to Caitlyn Croasdale

Caitlyn talks about how Walmart stocks have gone down. She asks the reader if they believe this is because people are trying to buy more locally. I believe that could be part of it but not the whole thing. It is no secret that Walmart has a terrible reputation. I think that many people still shop there because it is cheap for household items and other products. I just think people don't want to stop supporting them  by buying stock within Walmart. I believe because a lot of people still do not have jobs, Walmart has nothing to worry about because of their extremely cheap products.

Advertising in Movies

In many movies different companies show their label to reach their target audience. For example in class this week we watched a part of The Breakfast Club. At one point in this movie a Coca-Cola can is shown a few different times. It made me wonder how much Coca-Cola was paying to have this viewed in the movie. It also caused me to wonder if this was a successful way to advertise a product. Do people really pay attention to this in movies? I had never noticed that companies do this until someone pointed it out to me. Once someone did I was surprised at how much I noticed different products featured in movies. When a company uses a billboard, commercial, or other standard type of marketing it usually explains the product. The actors in the movies never really explain the product. All of the actors in The Breakfast Club did not mention the fact that they were drink a Coke. Do you believe that companies should continue to feature products in movies? Or would it be better for them to save money to use towards more standard versions of advertisements?

Response to Vinny Frasco

Vinny asked the question: If you are a new customer and weren't told the personal trainer helping you is pregnant, do you believe it is false advertisement?

I believe that to a point this can be false advertisement. Personal training is something that is usually pretty expensive. A lot of the training is hands on and this might become difficult for the trainer to do this to the best of her ability. I believe that if I was spending a lot of money on something I would like to know if something was going to effect my training down the line. For example what happens once the trainer has her baby? As the person who is getting trained, would I be getting a new trainer who would have to get to know me. I would be unsure about this and think that it would make me pick a different gym to go to in order to avoid this problem and delay. 

Youtube Commercials

Youtube has become one of the most popular websites. It is extremely well known and some people are on it constantly. The other day my friends and I were on youtube and found a commercial for Internet Explorer. The commercial talked about Generation Y and how we have changed over the years. We loved the commercial because it highlighted our childhood games and toys in a quick 5 minute video.  It made us remember things that we had forgotten about. We became completely engrossed in the video and had no idea it was even a commercial until the very end. I overheard one of my friends saying "Wow, that was the best commercial I have ever seen. That is such good marketing!" I thought about this after and really believed what a great marketing strategy it was. They didn't talk about the internet they talked about changes. In the end they linked Generation Y's changes to Internet Explorers changes. Most of us are Mac users and it made us think about Internet Explorer more then we normally have. I believe this was a great new way to do marketing and targets the perfect target market for this product. 


Do you believe that youtube commercials are more effective now then television commercials are?