Markets are currently giving people too much of a variety, making it extremely difficult to shop for just one item. For example, think of a clothing store in mall such as J.Crew. They give you a variety of about twenty-five over priced shirts, in this economy you know you can only buy one. Eventually store such as J.Crew will not be making a profit, some might not even be breaking even. When this happens stores will be forced to close down causing a large amount of job losses and will vastly affect the market.
I believe that this is going to happen in the very new future. It is not uncommon to here about how much the market for cars, and clothing has decreased during the years. Eventually, it will decrease to such a small amount companies will no longer be able to stay a float. For example it was only 5 years ago that GM, Ford, and Chrysler asked for a $34 million dollar bailout so they could avoid bankruptcy. They will be forced to lay off jobs and sell items at an extremely reduced rate. This happens because we have too much to chose from. If we have a few clothing stores with different likely priced clothes the market would do better. Do you believe that giving people a smaller amount of options will make the market go up or down?