Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Advertising in Movies

In many movies different companies show their label to reach their target audience. For example in class this week we watched a part of The Breakfast Club. At one point in this movie a Coca-Cola can is shown a few different times. It made me wonder how much Coca-Cola was paying to have this viewed in the movie. It also caused me to wonder if this was a successful way to advertise a product. Do people really pay attention to this in movies? I had never noticed that companies do this until someone pointed it out to me. Once someone did I was surprised at how much I noticed different products featured in movies. When a company uses a billboard, commercial, or other standard type of marketing it usually explains the product. The actors in the movies never really explain the product. All of the actors in The Breakfast Club did not mention the fact that they were drink a Coke. Do you believe that companies should continue to feature products in movies? Or would it be better for them to save money to use towards more standard versions of advertisements?

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